Our Mission: To make rugby available to ALL children who want to play.
Orca Youth Rugby has been and continues to be dedicated to uplifting its players, providing them with the best quality training, character building, sportsmanship, exercise, good will and so much more. Orca aims to give any youth who wants to play, regardless of means, all of these opportunities. In order to achieve these goals we are fundraising through our already established Sarah Cantle Memorial Scholarship Fund. This fund was formed in 2019 in memory of Sarah Cantle, a beloved and devoted Orca family member who lost her battle with breast cancer.

Sarah Cantle Memorial Scholarship Fund
Our beloved Orca Youth Rugby family member Sarah Cantle lost her 5+ year battle with cancer on February 20th, 2019. Sarah was the former Treasurer of Orca, but managed so much more for the Club. She was a passionate, leading force of love and energy! Both Sarah and her husband, Allan Cantle, who was the former Orca President, have contributed countless hours of their time and resources to support Orca Youth Rugby.

Sarah leaves behind Allan, and their wonderful sons, Jon and Ben. The Cantles have asked that, in lieu of gifts or flowers, donations be made to Orca Youth Rugby. This incredible gesture of continued support for Orca is symbolic of the essence of Sarah. She was a giver. She gave with all her heart and soul.
To honor Sarah and the Cantle Family we have created the Sarah Cantle Memorial Scholarship Fund. The Fund will uplift those who are in need, giving them the opportunity to play the best sport in the world - rugby!

All donations received will go to the Sarah Cantle Memorial Scholarship Fund.
Orca Youth Rugby is a non-profit organization currently operating under Ventura County Rugby Club (501c3 Charity Tax ID #22-0883268).
If you would like a letter acknowledging your donation please contact: treasurer@orcayouthrugby.org